
Fiji's opposition leader says anyone involved in interim administation would be committing treason

11:33 am on 4 December 2006

Fiji's opposition leader says no one who has respect for law and order should be part of the military's plan to bring in an interim administration as part of its "clean-up campaign."

Mick Beddoes has told Radio Legend that anyone tempted to take up such an offer must realize that when the storm passes they will be taken to task.

He says they should realize that they would be committing treason and would be subject to the full force of the law when the country returns to civilian rule which it will in time.

Mr Beddoes says investigations will start and unlike in other coups the situation will not be so forgiving this time.

He says whoever may want to accept any interim government position must remember they would be accepting something that is illegal.

Mr Beddoes says he would never agree to be part of any illegal government.

Meanwhile, the former military commander and leader of the National Alliance Party of Fiji, Ratu Epeli Ganilau, says he has not been approached by the military to take up any cabinet position in an interim government.

Some reports have suggested that Ratu Epeli would be in an interim line-up.

But Ratu Epeli says while he has not been approached, he would think about it carefully before making a decision on the matter.

He would not comment further.