
New religious museum planned for CNMI

09:03 am on 9 November 2007

It's hoped a new religious museum which is planned for the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas will boost tourist numbers there.

An international Christian ministry plans to open a museum promoting creationism on the island.

Last week, the leader of the Answers in Genesis Group, or AIG, met the CNMI Governor Benigno Fitial who is in favour of the project.

The AIG's first Creation Museum opened in the United States in May and the CNMI museum is set to follow its design with robotic dinosaurs, a planetarium and a special effects theatre.

It will also feature a camp where students can learn english as a second language.

The Managing Director of the Marianas Visiting Authority, Terry Tenorio, says five hundred thousand mainly asian visitors already come to the CNMI each year.

He says this is great news for the tourism industry there.

"We support new developments to the CNMI and educational tourism is something we're exploring now, we think it's a very important component in attracting more visitors to the island."

Terry Tenorio of the Marianas Visiting Authority.