New Zealand / Hawke's Bay

Driveway car washing ban in Napier aims to curb pollutants

13:28 pm on 5 December 2019

Napier residents will soon no longer be able to wash cars in driveways.

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Photo: 123rf

The new stormwater bylaw adopted by Napier City Council this morning aims to reduce the number of contaminants, such as detergents, from entering the city's stormwater network because they can kill aquatic life.

The bylaw was originally intended to come into effect immediately, but has been delayed until 1 February 2020 after complaints from the car-washing industry that they would be severely impacted.

Residents will then be required to wash cars on lawns or grass areas to prevent run-off into the Auhriri Estuary which is often polluted.

The council said it would work with these businesses to come up with plans to ensure they do comply.

Napier City Council's environmental solutions manager Cameron Burton said the change was crucial to ensure the water quality of the Ahuriri Estuary was improved.

"If anyone wants to use the estuary for collecting kaimoana and recreation, then we need to be seen as a leader in this," he said.

Mr Burton said the council would take an "educative approach" to anyone caught flouting the bylaw, but repeat offenders could face a fine of up to $20,000.