New Zealand

Napier boy who drowned should have had supervision - coroner

13:38 pm on 6 May 2021

A Napier schoolboy would still be alive today if he had been supervised at the beach, a coroner says.

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(File image). Photo: RNZ/ Tom Kitchin

Te Ao Marama Haturini Te Pou, 7, was swept out to sea in rough surf, on 21 February last year.

Te Ao Marama, his twin brother and a friend were playing at Pacific Beach after school.

When he went missing, police were called and two officers swam out beyond the breakers.

They found Te Ao Marama 200m from shore, but he was not breathing and could not be resuscitated.

Coroner Peter Ryan said an adult should have been watching the children.

Te Ao Marama's mother told police she thought he was playing at a friend's house that afternoon.