New Zealand

Unpublished D H Lawrence article discovered

13:01 pm on 30 March 2013

An unpublished article by English author D H Lawrence has been discovered among papers held by the Alexander Turnbull Library in New Zealand.

University of Nottingham researcher Andrew Harrison found the short piece in a collection of papers that belonged to writer and editor John Middleton Murry, the husband of renowned New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield.

Earlier this year, researchers found a previously unseen story by Mansfield in the same large collection of papers.

Fiona Oliver, a curator at the Wellington-based library, says it is very unusual to find anything new by a writer as well-known as D H Lawrence and the discovery is extremely exciting.

"There is such a lot written about D H Lawrence, about his circle, his work and his life. He was such an intriguing character in many ways. The likelihood of finding a new thing in that context is pretty unusual."

Dr Oliver says the article is the second major find unearthed from Murry's collection of papers, which the library acquired in 2012, and it is possible the collection contains other undiscovered works.

She says the unpublished piece is a response to a magazine article titled The Ugliness of Women published in 1924 which Lawrence found misogynistic.