New Zealand / Regional

Ellerslie Flower Show running at loss

18:12 pm on 3 August 2013

A report has found the Ellerslie International Flower Show ran at a loss this year, and over half those who attended said it failed to meet their expectations.

The annual show moved from Auckland to Christchurch in 2007.

The report, carried out by consultancy IER for Christchurch City Council, said the show ran at a $325,000 loss this year.

The event generated direct spending of $8.97 million in the city, a drop of 39% on 2012.

Chair of the recreation and cultural committee, councilor Yani Johannsen, says the financial future of the show, which cost the council $3 million to buy, will come under scrutiny.

"I am concerned about the financial position. When we originally were asked to purchase the show we were advised that it was a wonderful opportunity and would make back the purchse price over time.

"Clearly that hasn't happened; I think you have to be fair and say the earthquakes have had a huge impact," he said.

Councillors will consider changes recommended by the report at a meeting on Tuesday.