New Zealand / Regional

Glencore Grains fined for foul odours

19:49 pm on 24 November 2014

Glencore Grains has been fined $67,500 for the discharge of foul and objectionable odours at Port Taranaki, which affected residents of the nearby New Plymouth suburb of Moturoa.

The company, which stores palm kernel at the port, appeared for sentencing at the Environment Court in New Plymouth today over three breaches of air quality standards in late 2013.

In warm, moist conditions palm kernel was liable to spontaneously combust, and fearing for its workers' safety in November 2013 Glencore opened the doors to its storage facility releasing a sour, rancid odour into the air.

Glencore, which had a history of working close to air quality thresholds, said it was looking to relocate its storage facility.