
Obama climate change plan a positive step, say small island states

13:55 pm on 26 June 2013

The Alliance of Small Island States says the United States president's announcement on climate change is a positive step.

But the coalition which lobbies within the United Nations on climate change issues says permanent losses and damages stemming from the crisis must also be addressed.

Sally Round reports

"Barack Obama's new climate action plan includes regulating US power plant emissions, encouraging more efficient use of energy, and moving towards cleaner sources of power. Stepped up international efforts are also part of the plan which Mr Obama wants to implement via executive powers sidestepping US Congress gridlock. The Alliance's chairperson, Marlene Moses, says the group hopes the president's announcement translates into even more constructive engagement at international climate change negotiations, particularly when it comes to reducing greenhouse gases in the next few years. She says they're looking forward to working with the US to ensure climate change talks in Warsaw at the end of the year address the losses caused by coastal erosion, ocean acidification, degraded fisheries and the relentless storms vulnerable communities are suffering."