Rural / Country

Review of raw milk sales not liked by buyer

06:36 am on 30 November 2011

Buyers of large quantities of raw milk direct from a West Auckland farm say a Government review of those sales will put the farm out of business.

The law on sales of raw milk direct to the public lets farmers sell up to five litres per day per customer, to a maximum of 120 litres per day.

However, Hannah Sperber, who buys raw milk as part of a community group of eight families, says those limits are not usually policed.

Food Safety Minister Kate Wilkinson says the review aims to balance the rights of people who want to drink raw milk with the need to ensure the community is safe from food-borne illnesses.

But Ms Sperber says it will simply lead to stricter enforcement of the rules, which will drive her supplier out of business.

People like her and other families in West and central Auckland and the North Shore, who buy milk from the farm will miss out.

She says there should not be a limit on the amount of raw milk that farmers can sell direct to the public.

Federated Farmers says it will also be call for the limits on sales to be ended in its submission to the review.

Submissions close on Monday.