The Wireless

Cancel NZ Music Month?

10:18 am on 1 May 2014

Popular blogger Simon Sweetman posted yesterday that the "token gesture" of NZ Music Month should be removed from our calenders.

Where it used to be a cause for celebration Sweetman opens his post:

"There's a whole lot of stuff planned, as usual. There'll be "showcases" and there'll be token mentions in blog posts and newspaper articles, the usual names will be named. Ultimately the same backs will be patted."

He also said: "We need it to stop. We need to say no more. Kill it until it is very dead indeed. Kill it with fire. Something stronger than that usual piss-weak apathy anyways."

Traditionally the month of May was set aside by the New Zealand Music Commission to celebrate and promote Kiwi music; it's a not for profit organisation and was established in 2001. The NZ Herald reported their CEO Cath Anderson saying:

"After 13 years it's become a celebration instead [of a call to arms]".

Although the commission did not agree with Sweetman, they retweeted him, admitting they're biased:



Sweetman replied: