
Cholera warning in PNG's New Ireland province i

13:58 pm on 26 April 2011

Health officials in Papua New Guinea's New Ireland province are advising people to take precautions to ensure there's no spread of cholera in the province.

Cholera has affected half of PNG's provinces over the past two years with more than 600 deaths, with New Ireland recording its first case last month.

Alphonse Wena of the cholera prevention task force says the only recorded case was at the Lihir gold mine and they hope their measures will ensure no more occurrences.

"We have a ban on fast food [street sellers] and have advised people on the preventive measures of washing their hands, washing food and boiling water - basically personal hygiene measures and we have advised people to restrict unnecessary movements to and fro."

New Ireland health official Alphonse Wena.