
PNG's electoral commissioner says amended electoral laws will create problems

12:52 pm on 8 December 2006

The Papua New Guinea electoral commissioner, Andrew Trawen, says PNG's amended electoral laws will create serious management problems in next June's general elections.

Mr Trawen says he's disappointed with the recent amendments made to the Organic Law on national and local level elections, after the introduction of a private member's bill.

The National reports the amendments reduce the polling/campaign period from eight weeks to four weeks.

Under the revised election dates, the Governor-General will issue writs for the 2007 general election on May 4.

Intending candidates have seven days to put in their nomination, then there is a campaign period of about four weeks before polling starts on June 3rd, ending five weeks later.

Mr Trawen says the amended law would seriously affect the management of the poll.

He says he had advised the government against the bill and also suggested it defer implementation of the law.