Pacific / Solomon Islands

US Ambassador visits Solomon Islands

12:25 pm on 14 June 2019

Just days after visits from the New Zealand and Australian governments, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogovare, this week welcomed the American Ambassador.

US Ambassador Catherine Ebert-Gray and Prime Minister  Sogavare.

US Ambassador Catherine Ebert-Gray and Prime Minister Sogavare. Photo: Supplied

Catherine Ebert-Gray is based in Papua New Guinea but is also ambassador to Vanuatu and Solomon Islands.

Last week, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters visited Honiara amid a concerted effort by China to woo the Solomons and other Pacific states.

Ms Ebert-Gray's visit was described by the prime minister's office as part of US efforts to strengthen ties with the Solomons and its other allies.