
CNMI security questioned after Fitial threatened

17:37 pm on 6 February 2013

Questions have been asked in the Northern Marianas about the level of security of the Governor's office after a death threat.

Governor Benigno Fitial was threatened this week by 48-year-old Brian Kendall, who was ordered by a court not to have any contact with the Governor.

The Saipan Tribune reported the incident has brought to light that the Governor's office does not meet security standards of the US Department of Homeland Security.

Alex Perrottet reports.

"The Tribune reports that Brian Kendall made a terroristic threat, saying Governor Fitial should not retire, but die. He also reportedly threatened to hit him with a metal pipe or aluminium bat. While a court has ordered Kendall to stay away, the Office of Homeland Security has vowed to make changes to improve what press secretary Angel Demapan called 'lenient security measures' at the Governor's office. The special assistant of the office Marvin Seman said the Northern Marianas has to step up to fall in line with security changes in the United States as well as other parts of the world."