Pacific / Nauru

Anti-whisteblower law in Aust detention centres

11:53 am on 2 June 2015

Those working in Australia's detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island, including NGOs and doctors, could soon face jail time for speaking out about what they have seen in the course of their work.

The Australian Border Force Act 2015 will come into effect on July 1.

The law makes it a criminal offence for any person who works directly or indirectly with the immigration department to disclose information about the facilities to any organisation, except the department, police, courts and coroners.

That means any worker or contractor who speaks to the media could face prison for up to two years jail.

The Act also requires immigration workers to subscribe to an oath, but the contents of that oath are not detailed in the legislation.

Australian detention centre on Manus Island, PNG

Australian detention centre on Manus Island. Photo: Free google search image