New Zealand / Weather

Snowfall warnings for South Island roads, high winds forecast for North Island

08:19 am on 8 July 2020

Snow, ice and flooding are just some of the hazards South Island motorists need to watch out for this morning.

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Snow on Porters Pass means it is closed to towing vehicles and chains are required for everybody else.

Drivers are asked to watch out for road crews as they clear snow and lay grit.

Caution is required in the Mackenzie basin and North Otago due to ice.

The MetService has issued road snowfall warnings for Lewis, Arthur's and Porters Passes, Crown Range Road, Milford Road (SH94) and the Dunedin to Waitati Highway (SH1).

And in Southland there is flooding on some roads with speed restrictions in place.

Meanwhile in the North Island, the Transport Agency is urging drivers to watch out for icy conditions and snow on the Desert Road in the central North Island today.

MetService is predicting significant amounts of snow will fall on State Highway 1 between Waiōuru and Turangi from this afternoon.

People travelling on the Napier to Taupō Road should also prepare for wintry weather.

MetService also forecasts strong winds for the upper North Island including Northland, Auckland and Bay of Plenty, as well as Waikato and Waitomo saying winds may approach gale force in exposed places at times.