New Zealand / Sport

Auckland councillors consider America's Cup options

07:04 am on 13 November 2017

Six options to host an America's Cup defence in Auckland and their costs will go before councillors in a closed door meeting this afternoon.

The council will consider a number of options for hosting the America's Cup race in the Auckland Harbour. Photo: 123RF

It is the first time Auckland councillors will see the reality of how the event might be staged in 2021, and it will pose some tough questions on how to pay for it.

Councillors in the past have expressed a mix of views on hosting the event, and mayor Phil Goff has put conditions on his enthusiasm.

A leading option to be considered in a closed briefing is possibly the most contentious, extending the Halsey Street wharf into the inner harbour.

It's the one most favoured by Team New Zealand, which is keen to create a downtown arena-effect housing all the teams

Helmsman Peter Burling during one of the tickertape parades that were held nationwide after Team New Zealand won the cup. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

Councillors are expected to narrow the options, with a more detailed plan coming back to them in ten days.

Some options may provide for private sector investment, offering development rights on other, possibly nearby land.

The government is also taking part in the planning but it's not yet clear what its role could be in funding new infrastructure.

Team New Zealand last week visited Tauranga to consider whether it could be a Plan B venue, if Auckland fell through.

The team wants work to begin on creating an area for the bases by August next year to ensure teams can start setting up during 2019.