New Zealand / Health

Staff at Waikato DHB 'extremely distressed' by Oranga Tamariki's treatment of child

13:32 pm on 29 July 2021

A child spent more than nine weeks in a Waikato hospital because Oranga Tamariki failed to find a suitable placement - according to documents leaked online.

Iv Drip in hospital corridor

File photo. Photo: 123rf

In a report seen by RNZ, staff at Waikato District Health Board were "extremely distressed" by the agency's treatment of the traumatised child.

Documents, posted online by the cyber attackers who targeted the DHB, reveal staff were deeply concerned by aspects of the agency's work in one of its hospitals.

RNZ has reviewed the documents as they raise questions of public interest importance.

When the child was discharged after 67 days, the youngster was taken into care in what one staffer called the most distressing discharge of her entire pediatric career.

One report said the child did not require hospital admission for any medical reason and was not unwell.

The child, the report says, told medical staff about wanting a job in the hospital to avoid ever having to leave.

In an effort to verify the contents of the report, RNZ reviewed the file directory linked on the dark web and opened a small number of folders and sub-folders. This was done to verify that the documents were what they purported to be.

In doing so, RNZ opened and read a small number of documents and files, and this is how the documents pertaining to Oranga Tamariki were discovered.

Oranga Tamariki said they were unable to respond to this story.

"We are unable to comment without being supplied with sufficient particulars to investigate the matter," an Oranga Tamariki spokesperson said.

A senior Waikato medical professional wrote to Oranga Tamariki's Bay of Plenty management with concerns about the care of a child.

The youngster was admitted for a "lengthy stay in an acute hospital" while a community placement was sought.

At one stage, the child was living with supportive relatives whose relationship with the DHB was described as excellent.

But, after being admitted to hospital, staff said the young child, who had a "lovely manner and nature" was effectively living in a hospital.

Staff also grew increasingly alarmed by what they described as a "lack of support" from Oranga Tamariki and its lead social worker in the case.

They asked for a review of the child's care.

One document said that DHB staff recognised the case was complex, but their concerns needed to be raised with the agency.

DHB staff said two placements were proposed by Oranga Tamariki during the first five weeks of admission, but both were unsuitable.

They also said the agency did not seem to prioritise the child's basic rights to enjoyment, play and education.

At one stage, the child remained on the ward for three weeks, with no time outside.

"Oranga Tamariki showed little interest/made minimal attempts to support in ensuring [the child's] needs would continue to be met whilst living in a hospital environment."

DHB staff were also concerned about the social worker assigned to the child's case.

They said they had concerns about the way the worker spoke to the child, saying the language used was 'inappropriate'.

"From our observations of the limited interaction [social worker] had with [the child], [social worker] was very cold, showed no empathy and had limited understanding into [the child's] world," the document says.

DHB staff saw "very little effort" by the social worker to try and build a relationship with the child.

"This lack of relationship worries us as we know a key role of an Oranga Tamariki social worker is to ensure the child's voice is heard and their views are taken into consideration. Particularly a child, vulnerable in this world where they have no control over what is happening to them."

Oranga Tamariki were reportedly informed at all times of the increasing concerns about the child's distress.

Despite predicting that the child would find their discharge "extremely traumatic", the social worker decided they wouldn't be present for the transition.

It was only after "multiple" requests from the DHB that the social worker "reluctantly" agreed to be present.

When the time came for the child to leave, the youngster was extremely distressed.

"This has been described by one of our most experienced nursing staff as the most distressing 'uplift' in her entire career in pediatrics."

After being discharged, the Oranga Tamariki social worker called the DHB asking for nurses to help and try to calm the child.

Children's Minister Kelvin Davis said he is concerned about the claims made.

"I have asked Oranga Tamariki for a briefing on the situation and I expect all issues raised to be investigated thoroughly.

"At the centre of this is a vulnerable child and I have sought assurances that all appropriate support is being provided to them and their family."

The report's view of Oranga Tamariki: 

  • A lack of communication from Oranga Tamariki
  • A lack of advocacy for the child
  • A lack of action to find a suitable placement
  • No work by the agency to ensure the child's needs and rights were met in hospital
  • Lack of effort to build rapport with the child
  • Limited insight into children and their behaviours and needs related to trauma
  • A poor discharge plan and lack of support.

DHB staff asked for a full and formal review of the file and an apology.

RNZ has contacted the DHB for comment.

* In light of a recent ruling by the Broadcasting Standards Authority, significant amendments have been made to this article in order to better protect privacy

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