
New Star Wars trailer released

15:22 pm on 20 October 2015

In what might be the greatest troll of all time, Disney has debuted the third trailer for the new Star Wars movie at halftime in an American Football game.

Han Solo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Photo: YouTube

Watch the new trailer here:

The trailer for The Force Awakens had three teaser trailers of its own. It featured new footage from the film, and characters who have not been seen before.

Harrison Ford's Han Solo gets a line: "It's true. All of it. The Dark Side. The Jedi. They're real." Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia and Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker also briefly appear.

The movie isn't actually being released until December, but advanced sales have already crashed websites, as fans flock to get the best seats on opening night.

Predictably, social media quickly filled up with fans' reactions - both positive and negative.