New Zealand / Environment

Five rescued after yacht runs aground on Banks Peninsula

15:46 pm on 21 March 2024
An Environment Canterbury photo of a yacht that ran aground at the bottom of a cliff on Banks Peninsula.

Five crew were rescued from the marooned yacht on Wednesday evening. Photo: Environment Canterbury

A yacht carrying 15 litres of diesel has run aground at the bottom of a cliff on Canterbury's Banks Peninsula.

The regional council said the Harbourmaster's office was notified on Wednesday evening, and all five crew were rescued and returned safety to Lyttelton.

It said the 12-metre racing yacht remained aground near Pāua-o-Hinekotau Head, west of Diamond Harbour, in an area difficult to access by foot.

Regional on-scene commander Emma Parr said the Port was closed overnight as a precaution due to the boat not being secured and the potential for floating debris.

"The yacht has remained in the same position but is significantly damaged. It is now secure via ropes to the shore," she said.

"We are currently monitoring the situation closely and working with the owner, insurers and salvors to collect debris as required.

"There may be loose debris under the surface of the water. We are asking the public to stay well clear of this operational area."

The regional council said the diesel onboard was in sealed tanks, and the risk of any environment impacts was low.

Parr said unfavourable weather conditions meant a safe recovery attempt might not be possible prior to the SailGP event this weekend.

The regional council said SailGP would still go ahead as planned.

In September, thousands of litres of diesel leaked from the Austro Carina fishing boat after it ran aground at Red Bluff on Banks Peninsula.

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission is still looking into the circumstances of the grounding.