
Samoa stresses home isolation for Covid positive people

05:43 am on 22 March 2022

The Samoa Government's next step in its response to the rapid spread of the community Covid-19 cases is home isolation.

To date there are 181 confirmed community cases of COVID-19 and 11 are in isolation but the rest of the cases have been told to isolate at home.

This does not include the 15 imported cases from New Zealand via a flight early in March.

The acting director-general, Tagaloa Dr. Robert Thomsen, told local media on Monday the Ministry of Health is using rapid antigen test kits or RATs to determine infections.

"One important issue is for the public not to be congested where the testings are conducted. Most of them bombarding the sites are not required to get tested. The testing algorithm for those eligible are people who had contacts with those already tested positive, with symptoms," explained Tagaloa.

He said by bombarding the testing sites people risk spreading the virus rapidly.

Tagaloa said "the Covid-19 symptoms are similar to the flu, including getting chills, feverish, pain around the bones, and headaches."

Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital Photo: facebook

Tagaloa reiterated the preventative measures issued by the Ministry of Health; to stay home; stay away from congested areas, wash hands regularly, use sanitizer and mask up.

He said those who have tested positive are urged to stay home and isolate in a separate room or a hut (fale o'o) and to follow the brochure they are given, including how to do their laundry; cleaning the room or restroom after the isolation time.

Tagaloa said "even at home, exercise social distancing for those tested positive.

Also one must stay hydrated, as those who are sick, experiencing pain in the muscles and bones, is a result of lack of fluids in the body, and to take paracetamol or panadol up to six hours."

He said when the conditions of people infected get worse, they need to go to the nearest health facility.

In the meantime, the screening and testing sites allocated by the Ministry of Health are the Samoa Tourism Authority fale samoa; Red Cross at Taunaimato and the credentialing building at Motootua opposite the NKF.