Life And Society

Who are you wearing, Clarke Gayford?

13:29 pm on 2 August 2017

If Jacinda Ardern becomes prime minister quite a bit of attention will fall on her partner, TV presenter and producer, Clarke Gayford.

So Jesse Mulligan thought he’d prepare him for this newfound fame by asking him some of the questions that have been asked of female celebrities and First Ladies.

Clarke Gayford Photo: Twitter

Listen to Clarke Gayford

Clarke is on the Sunshine Coast filming, but took time out of his busy schedule to talk fashion, the perils of VPL, being judged on his looks and keeping the crock pot hot for Jacinda.

Who are you wearing? 

I’m wearing a singlet by Kmart, a pair of shorts and jandals. I went downstairs to a souvenir shop and the only pair of jandals I could buy say Australia on them.

What kind of underwear can you even wear with that outfit?

You’ve got to be pretty careful. You can get some vicious VPL in these tight shorts I’m wearing, so probably a pair of boxers that just sit comfortably against the skin.

How do you stay so trim?

Well my father’s metabolism has been kind to me.

What's your diet do you have any tips?

Hot tip for my diet is when you go to dinner always order with it in mind that your partner will probably have a go at whatever’s on your plate.

You’re so funny too, you’re not just a beautiful face ….

Well I hope people recognise me for my looks first and foremost, but anything else on top of that’s just a bonus I guess.

Who does your hair?

I don’t want to pick one hairdresser over the others there are some incredible barbers out there in Auckland if you know where to look ..I go to Stewart.

What do you cook for her?

I try and work out what sort of day she’s had, how long it’s gone, and what she’s in the mood for. A lot of comfort food. I don’t think I’ve turned the crock pot off in six weeks.

Any interests of your own, or are you too busy running a household?

Her interests first and foremost. We both like walks on the beach, which is fantastic, the odd board game and I guess a bit of indoor netball.

How do you juggle everything?

It’s not all that easy, ever since I got a larger car to help bring all the groceries home in one go, that’s definitely made my life a lot easier. But between getting my hair cut and sorting out what clothes I’m going to wear for an upcoming photo shoot, it can get a bit taxing.

I know you’re a free diver - how can you survive underwater without hunky men and liquid eyeliner?

It’s an everyday work hazard to be fair. I mean some of those dive instructors you should have seen them yesterday off the Sunshine Coast, temptation all over the place but you know I’m professional.

When she’s finished work and she’s not thinking about her career, she’s just at home with you? What’s she really like?

A million dollar question, I’m not sure I can let it out of the bag but pretty much what you see is what you get at home.

And Clarke wanted to let New Zealand’s fashionistas he’s available.

I’ve already had approaches from Karen Walker and Trelise Cooper, but if I can just throw it out there I’m more of an Ingrid Starnes or Juliette Hogan type of person; and if Kathryn Wilson’s listening - get in touch.