Pacific / Samoa

Samoa further relaxes Covid-19 restrictions

13:37 pm on 11 June 2020

Samoa has further relaxed its Covid-19 State of Emergency restrictions for church services and allowed more than one gathering allowed on their sabbath.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi announced the easing of restrictions on Wednesday which included the return of street vendors.

The formal notification of the amended orders stipulated that "only fruits, vegetables, cooked food and designed/elei materials/lavalava are allowed to be sold".

Street vendors in Samoa's capital are to be cleared by police and told to move to the market area.

Photo: Tipi Autagavaia/RNZ

Selling on the footpaths was still prohibited.

Churches must still ensure social distancing measures of two-metres.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said major events like church conferences and national meetings were still prohibited.

The new State of Emergency rules also allowed weddings in hotels but the guest list is limited to 50.

A Sunday trading ban continues for all markets as well as Sunday beach and river excursions.

Village matai councils are allowed to meet but only while exercising social distancing and not on Sundays.

The restricted number of no more than five people still applied to funerals, traditional title bestowals, birthdays, reunions, and opening ceremonies for buildings.

Apia, Samoa.

Apia, Samoa. Photo: Ramunas/123RF