New Zealand / Te Ao Māori

Light trail is biggest Bay of Plenty Matariki event

10:02 am on 14 July 2023

A stormwater reserve in Pāpāmoa will be the centre of a Matariki celebration tonight with an illuminated light trail.

Pāpāmoa Unlimited events and marketing manager Julia Manktelow said Te Ara ō Wairākei walkway along the reserve was a big part of Pāpāmoa and people often did not realise it was there.

A light show at the Pāpāmoa stormwater reserve for Matariki.

Photo: Supplied / Pāpāmoa Unlimited

The light trail, which was the biggest Matariki event in the Bay of Plenty, showcases the walkway and celebrates Matariki.

"The trail itself is in the formation of Matariki and we will be beaming the nine stars into the sky," Manktelow said.

The celebration starts at Pāpāmoa Plaza from 5pm with a whakatau from local iwi Ngā Pōtiki and a range of performances, while the light trail opens at 6pm.

Anyone wanting to attend the free event is advised to bring a torch and dress warmly, but to leave dogs, alcohol and bikes at home.

Manktelow said the Matariki light show was a typical relaxed event and people were encouraged to walk the light trail at their own pace.

"We'll also have a big emphasise on just bringing people together and celebrating our ancestors and who we are," she said.

Photo: Supplied / Pāpāmoa Unlimited

Other Matariki events in Tauranga include a free outdoor concert at The Historic Village on Saturday and Matariki ki Mauao school workshops at the base of Mauao from Monday until Wednesday.

In the workshops, schools will focus on basic knowledge of Matariki, utilising the Maramataka (Lunar Calendar) to assist with cultivating and harvesting kai grown in the soil, planting on Mauao and discovering the rongoā and native plants that grow on Mauao.