Pacific / Guam

Guam mayor facing bribery and extortion charges

17:20 pm on 24 September 2019

A village mayor in Guam has been arrested on drugs charges and is accused of providing a mailbox for drug traffickers in exchange for money.

Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept, court

Photo: ikiryo/123RF

The Pacific Daily News reported Yona Mayor Jesse Blas is accused of using his position to provide a person with keys to a mail box unit across from his office in exchange for drug proceeds.

The charging documents state the person named "Brenda" was allowed access to the mail box as long as she shared money from the drug packages with Mr Blas.

He is also accused of offering to sell a second mail box for $US15,000.

Mr Blas is said to have offered to change the assigned box each week so packages would not be intercepted by law enforcement.

However, "Brenda" stopped making payments and the mayor then threatened to shut down her access to the mailbox.

He is charged with extortion and bribery.