
Migration growth hits another record

12:13 pm on 21 July 2015

The growing economy is continuing to attract people to live and work long-term in New Zealand, driving annual migration to fresh highs.

Auckland International Airport Photo: RNZ

Though confidence has taken a knock from sharp falls in dairy prices, the growing economy continues to lure people from overseas and keep locals at home.

Official figures show a seasonally adjusted net gain of 4800 people in June, an increase of 9 percent compared with the same period a year ago.

Statistics New Zealand said more people arrived from Australia than departed across the Tasman for the third month in a row, with a net gain of 100.

On an annual basis, net migration hit a new high of 58,300, led by more students from India and China, and those on work visa from Britain.

Separately, the number of visitors rose 9 percent to 177,000 in June, due to an increasing number of tourists from Australia and China.

The total number of travellers rose 7.5 percent to 2.99 million for the June year.