Pacific / Papua New Guinea

Mining industry worried about PNG emergency restrictions

15:50 pm on 7 May 2020

The mining industry in Papua New Guinea is worried about new restrictions in resource project areas as part of the national Covid-19 response.

Porgera gold mine.

The Porgera gold mine in PNG's Enga Province Photo: Richard Farbelini at English Wikipedia / Public domain

The official in control of PNG's State of Emergency, police commissioner David Manning, has announced restrictions on movement of personnel and assets at resource project sites.

Furthermore, there are to be no gatherings of more than five people around a project area.

Mining Minister Johnson Tuke said he had told worried mining companies it was best if they met with the Mr Manning to discuss their concerns about the restrictions impeding their business.

"It's now up to the mining companies to explicitly outline and tell them the significance of that engagement . Maybe the Controller might not know what happens in the mining environment."

He said that before the SOE was declared, a team comprising himself, the Chamber of Mines, and representatives of companies mining in PNG met with the Police Minister Bryan Kramer.

"So basically the Controller should know," Mr Tuke said.

"Again, we've got to be mindful of the pandemic as well as the mining to progress too, so in a way we've got to be very mindful of our actions."

"The call is for the SOE (controller) and he has made his recommendations, and that's fair.

"That's fair, but again if it is very stressful to the industry then obviously they can go and talk to the SOE controller to work together and harmonise the environment."