Te Ao Māori

Maori King's Council re-established

08:19 am on 25 March 2014

Twelve Maori leaders have been chosen to serve on the Maori King's Council, Tekau-ma-rua, to give him advice and to represent him on issues affecting Maori development.

At a hui in Ngaruawahia on Saturday night, 48 rangatira [tribal leaders] gathered to talk about who should represent Maoridom on the council.

Traditionally, the King's Council of Twelve was made up of rangatira of the Tainui waka but last August King Tuheitia re-established the council and broadened its membership to include tribal leaders from across the country.

Hemana Manuera, of Ngati Awa, has been elected inaugural chairman, while the membership includes Pou Temara, Che Wilson, Te Kahautu Maxwell, Sir Toby Curtis, Kihi Ngatai, Mereiwa Broughton, Erima Henare and June Mariu.

Three members, one each from Te Kohanga Reo, Maori Women's Welfare League and the Maori Council, will be chosen from within their organisations.