Te Ao Māori

Big sub-tribe doubles-up at top table

19:14 pm on 22 May 2012

Auckland's largest sub-tribe is making significant changes at its top table, following the departure of its long-serving chief executive Tiwana Tibble.

Ngati Whatua o Orakei is appointing two CEOs - one to lead the hapu's commercial arm, and the other to head a new social and cultural subsidiary.

The subsidiary will use tribal funding to meet the health, housing, education and social service needs of Ngati Whatua o Orakei people.

A trustee of the hapu, Sharon Hawke, says it's an exciting time for the sub-tribe.

Working names for the two different arms are whai maia, which will look after social development, while whai rawa will oversee property investments and any further commercial diversification.