
Pope urges business to tackle inequality

21:45 pm on 22 January 2014

The Pope has challenged business leaders in Davos to do more to fight inequality and help the poor.

Pope Francis. Photo: AFP

The message was delivered to the World Economic Forum which is holding its annual meeting in the Swiss resort town and attracts more than 2500 political, business and academic leaders.

Cardinal Peter Turkson read the remarks prepared by Pope Francis, who called for a new political and business mentality. He urged those at the meeting to use their skills to fix the economic system.

The Pope also spoke out against the treatment of refugees, saying its impossible not be moved by the plight of those who seek minimally dignified living conditions, and who are not only turned away but perish moving place to place.

He said humanity should be served by wealth, and not ruled by it.

The forum's founder, Klaus Schwab, says the pontiff gave a moral imperative to the fight against inequality, and business listened. He says the answer is creating jobs.

Harvard University Professor Kenneth Rogoff says higher taxes on the rich might also be an answer to reducing inequality, but the global elite have been silent on that issue so far.

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