Pacific / Solomon Islands

Call in Solomons for advisory body to help the Govt Budget

14:15 pm on 28 February 2022

A Solomon Islands academic wants the government to establish an Economic Advisory Council to provide it with sound budget advice.

Dr Transform Aqorau was the former head of the PNA - the Parties to the Nauru Agreement - and was critical in establishing that agency.

Dr. Transform Aqorau

Dr. Transform Aqorau Photo: Marshall Islands Journal.

He said, given the seriousness of the Covid-19 crisis in Solomon Islands, there is need for a body, made up of all stakeholder groups, which can provide additional ideas to government.

Dr Aqorau said it is not a criticism of government but a suggestion to help them improve ideas and scrutiny of the Budget.

"To make the Budget more appropriate to the kind of challenges and problems we are facing right now. It's not rocket science," he said.

"All we are saying is let those who are affected - business - because afterall they are the ones that are going to bear the brunt of any Budget - the taxation. So I just want to see a far more inclusive approach, at this time."