New Zealand

Minister delays signing Pare Hauraki settlement

17:00 pm on 27 May 2018

The Minister for Treaty Settlements says he will hold off on signing the controversial Pare Hauraki settlement while further consultation takes place.

A kaumatua confronts Treaty Minister Andrew Little. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

The decision follows a hikoi at Parliament earlier this month where about 600 people demanded the Crown allow iwi to resolve their overlapping treaty claims according to Māori custom or tikanga.

Tauranga Moana iwi, Ngāi Te Rangi, believes a group of 12 iwi based around the Hauraki Plains, otherwise known as the Pare Hauraki Collective, should not have rights over the Tauranga Harbour.

A Waitangi Tribunal finding in 2004 said the Hauraki iwi did have customary interests in the area.

Treaty Settlements Minister Andrew Little said he would allow iwi to work out their overlapping interests, using a tikanga Māori framework.

He had already delayed the signing of the Treaty settlement twice.