The Rhythm and Vines music festival, already rescheduled once, has been cancelled again.
Rhythm and Vines in 2019. Photo: Rhythm and Vines 2019
It has been held at a Gisborne winery around every New Year since 2003, but its organisers decided to postpone last year's event until Easter, because of the low Covid-19 vaccination rate in Tairāwhiti.
Today, however, it has announced that the Omicron surge makes going ahead in the current format impossible.
Organisers are hoping instead to hold it at the New Year again, at the end of this year.
Festival director Kieran Spillane told Morning Report it was disappointing not to be able to host the event at Easter.
"Sadly our year 19 will go down as a 'no show'.
"We're very much looking forward to the future and to our 20th anniversary at the end of this year."
He said ticket holders had the choice of a full refund or to roll over to the event later this year.
Spillane said the festival would be considering using some funding set aside by the government for big events cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Listen to the interview with festival director Kieran Spillane