Samoa's Radio 2AP says the tsunami warning was lifted at 6am
There were no reports of inundation.
An Air Pacific flight schedule to leave for Hawaii last night was cancelled
In American Samoa, the National Weather Service says there was a 40 cm surge in Pago Pago Harbour at 4 am this morning and a half a meter surge at 5am.
StarKist Samoa cannery has also cancelled production and workers have been told to stay home but to prepare to work tomorrow, which is normally a day off.
All public schools have now been cancelled.
Catholic schools have also been called off.
Governor Togiola Tulafono has closed the American Samoa Government for today because of the tsunami warning. All ASG employees do not have to report to work except for emergency personnel.
ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank advises employees to listen to the radio for an announcement on when they have to report to work. This is dependent on when the tsunami warning is lifted.
Bank of Hawaii will open normal hours today
Pago Pago International Airport is closed.