Pacific / French Polynesia

No plans to cut indexed salaries in French territories

09:15 am on 17 July 2017

French public servants in overseas territories, including French Polynesia and New Caledonia, have been assured that there are no plans to cut their indexed salaries.

The minister of Public Action and Accounts Gerald Darmanin made the comment during questioning in a French Senate committee.

Indexed salaries for France's 160,000 overseas public servants vary depending on the territory and can be double the pay in France.

French Minister of Public Action and Accounts, Gerald Darmanin

French Minister of Public Action and Accounts, Gerald Darmanin Photo: AFP

Figures show that the top-up in some territories is bigger than the higher cost of living than in mainland France, fuelling calls for public expenses to be adjusted accordingly.

Mr Dermanin said he is aware of the demands but the salaries would not be altered.

The government argued that financially weak territories like Mayotte stand to gain from the additional transfer of funds into the local economy.