People overflowing from pubs as they celebrate the Rugby World Cup may be breaking the law but are unlikely to be prosecuted.
Auckland Council chief executive Doug McKay says police have been keeping a close eye on a number of pubs and bars where patrons are drinking outside the premises.
He says on Saturday night police had to contain members of the public drinking outside a pub in Wellesley Street, who had spilled out onto the road.
Mr McKay says that may be breaking the liquor ban, which is being enforced during the Rugby World Cup, and may also break liquor licences.
He says the situation will be looked at during the week.
But police say they will not be targeting fans who overflow from pubs.
Superintendent Brett England says while police will definitely enforce the liquor ban where they can, they also using common sense.
He says officers visited licence owners on Saturday night to remind them of their obligations, but police are more concerned about public safety about slapping wrists.