
Election still on a knife-edge - Cunliffe

09:18 am on 31 March 2014

Labour leader David Cunliffe says he's confident his party can lead the next government, despite support for Labour falling in two new opinion polls.

The One News/Colmar Brunton poll and the 3 News/Reid Research poll have National at 47 percent (down 4) and 45.9 percent (up 1.4) respectively. Labour is 31 percent (down 3) in the TVNZ poll and 31.2 (down 2.3) in the 3 News poll.

However, Mr Cunliffe says the election is still on a knife-edge. He says this is an MMP election and Labour still has a strong chance of leading the government afterwards, with help from other parties.

On the figures in both these polls, if support for the Green and New Zealand First parties is added to that for Labour, the three-party bloc is ahead of National.

Mr Cunliffe says Labour will continue to criticise government ministers, such as Judith Collins and Hekia Parata, while promoting what it would do if it leads the next government.

Listen to interview with David Cunliffe