
Election authorities in Solomon Islands say peace reigned at polling booths

04:36 am on 5 August 2010

The election authorities in Solomon Islands say peace and order reigned at the polling booth during yesterday's election.

That's despite long queues at a number booths and reports people could not find their names on voting lists.

Jo O'Brien reports from Solomon Islands.

"The chief electoral officer, Polycarp Haununu, has congratulated the people of Solomon Islands on voting peacefully on election day. He says there were no reports of disturbances and the turn out was very high. However at several booths on the outskirts of Honiara there were long queues with people waiting several hours to vote and a few hundred people could not cast their ballots before the 5pm election closed. At several polling stations we also heard of voters disappointed their names were not on the list. Attention now turns to the counting process which the electoral commission wants to proceed as quickly as possible. It's expecting the first results to come through today with almost all constituencies having their results through by Sunday."