
Solomons' police chief says they have received more threats of violence

19:49 pm on 25 April 2006

The Solomons Police Commissioner, Shane Castles, says the security situation in Honiara remains quite serious.

He says police have received a lot of information, some confirmed, some otherwise, suggesting threats against infrastructure, against government buildings and against individuals.

The Commissioner's comments followed the decision of the Magistrate's Court to keep MP Charles Dausabea in custody until the 9th of May on charges he helped incite last week's riots in Honiara .

Magistrate Kieran Boothman told the court the prosecution allege Mr Dausabea spoke in Pidgin to about 200 people in front of parliament telling them to go and do what they liked after Snyder Rini was voted in as Prime Minister.

He told the court he is satisfied that the risk of allowing the defendant to go free would be too great in the present tinder box situation of Honiara.