New Zealand

Horse towed by stolen car dies in police pursuit

23:01 pm on 10 May 2018

A horse that was in a float stolen by a drink driver has died from injuries sustained in a police chase.

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Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

Waikato police got a complaint about 6.30 this evening of a drunk man swerving in a car towing a horse float with two horses inside.

They received more complaints while looking for the vehicle.

Senior Sergeant Philip Ruddell said they caught up with the car but the driver would not stop.

He was eventually slowed down by road spikes, coming to a stop just before Te Rapa Road and State Highway 1.

An injured horse freed though the help of Fire and Emergency died shortly after.

Police took the other horse, which was uninjured, out of the float and put it in a paddock.

A 26-year-old was arrested and will appear in the Hamilton District Court tomorrow.