
Fiji police commissioner delegate says police subservient to military

08:45 am on 13 January 2007

Fiji's new police commissioner designate says while police are tasked with upholding law and order, people must accept reality.

Romanu Tikotikoca says that reality is that with a state of emergency decree in place, for the time being the military has the upper hand in defining law.

Mr Tikotikoca has told Fiji TV it's nothing new for the police that circumstances have forced it to take a subservient role to the military in law and order.

Mr Tikotikoca a long serving assistant commissioner with the Fiji police, has served with the Regional Assistance Mission in the Solomon Islands and last year was in charge of security at the Gold Ridge Mine in that country.

He will take up the police commissioner's job at the end of this month.

Mr Tikotikoca succeeds Australian national Andrew Hughes who fled Fiji a few days before the coup after failing to get the military commander, Commodore Bainimarama, arrested by New Zealand police.