New Zealand

RNZ's top podcasts: Food, water, parenthood and politics

17:45 pm on 7 July 2017

The weekend has almost landed and we've got you sorted for what looks a wet couple of days, with RNZ's best podcasts of the week. After all, there's nothing else going on this weekend, is there?

Healthy or Hoax - Is raw food better than cooked?

Is raw food better than cooked?

The first season of Healthy or Hoax comes to a crunch by asking whether we all wouldn't be better off eating our food in the raw. As in, uncooked.

'Yes,' say the advocates. 'No,' say the scientists. The broccoli refused to comment.

You can hear all the arguments and stew over the question here.

Water flowing underground

The science of a water aquifer

News flash: scientists say there's water in Wellington Harbour. Fresh water that is, fed by the nearby Waiwhetu aquifer and trapped in a layer of gravel and cobbles, laid down long before humans first walked upright in the Hutt Valley.

A world-first operation to drill down and find the water has just begun near Miramar. Our Changing World drinks it in.

King for a day?

Coalition building and bashing

Wanna know what journalists really think about politics?

Caucus is RNZ's new politics podcast where three old hacks discuss the upcoming election the way they would in a newsroom, only with more appropriate language.

On the agenda for the first episode, Guyon Espiner, Lisa Owen and Tim Watkin ask why everyone thinks New Zealand First will be the kingmaker, and whether we've all got a bit silly about the second coming of Shane Jones.

It'll all be okay… Honest…

Are we there yet?

Parenting is a tough job and you're the one doing it.

Being a mother or father isn't for the fainthearted and while it's always been exciting, rewarding and terrifying, in 2017 the challenges have changed.

Don't worry, though, because non-judgemental help is on its way. Are We There Yet? is RNZ's brand new parenting podcast by producer (and mum of two) Katy Gosset. Katy and guests offer advice and practical tips to get through. You'll need to provide your own wine, though.

Speaking of tough jobs

Flying Solo - a cop and a solo dad, Henare's story

Henare is a sworn police officer. He's also a full time solo parent to his son, Tama.

They're both doing pretty well - 15 year old Tama is completing NCEA and Henare is there for him 100 percent. Son and dad adore each other.

But parenting can be tough when you're doing it on your own. In episode four of Flying Solo, Lynda Chanwai-Earle listens to Henare's story of love, commitment and courage.