
Vanuatu accused of inaction over ministers breaking law

14:59 pm on 9 August 2012

A Vanuatu MP and former justice minister, Ralph Regenvanu, says there are double standards in the government's actions following the arrival of the super yacht, the Phocea, in Port Vila.

A police investigation searched the vessel for suspected weapons and fake Vanuatu passports more than two weeks ago.

But before this happened and prior to any Customs clearance, two Cabinet Ministers and another MP went on board.

Mr Regenvanu says this is a clear breach carrying a punishment of up to two years jail or heavy fines, but the government has done nothing.

"They have clearly broken the law. Nothing has been done. They haven't been suspended. There have been no charges laid. On the other hand you have the police leading the investigation has been suspended. No explanation of any clear wrongdoing, any breaking the law, yet he has been suspended - not by the Police Services Commission but by the Minister. So clearly a political suspension. If it was something to do with his conduct it would be the Police Services Commission. So what we see here is a complete double standard in the application of the law."