Te Ao Māori

Mana alliance 'taints purity of its ideals'

06:34 am on 28 May 2014

Professor Paul Moon, says the purity of the Mana Party's ideals are likely to be tainted by its alliance with the Internet party.

The Mana Movement and Kim Dotcom's Internet Party will form a new joint party called Internet Mana to contest the general election.

Mana leader Hone Harawira will lead the new party.

Auckland University of Technology professor Paul Moon said the alliance could bring Mana's policies more leverage, but it could also impact peoples' perceptions.

He said Mana had emphasized the purity of its ideal, but joining with the Internet party tainted that purity.

Professor Moon said people could perceive that Mana was compromising its ideals for the sake of more seats, which was a gamble.

He also said any damage to the reputation of Kim Dotcom could bring the party down, too.