
Brittany Higgins meets with Australia prime minister for 'robust' discussion

21:58 pm on 30 April 2021

Australian former political staffer Brittany Higgins says her meeting with Prime Minister Scott Morrison this afternoon was difficult but she hopes it is the basis for systemic change.

Australian former political staffer Brittany Higgins (C) at a rally to address protesters against sexual violence and gender inequality in front of Parliament House in Australia's capital city Canberra on 15 March 2021.

Brittany Higgins arriving at a rally to address protesters against sexual violence and gender inequality in front of Parliament House in Canberra on 15 March 2021. Photo: AFP

Higgins, who alleges she was raped by a colleague in a minister's office two years ago, said the conversation was "very difficult on a personal level" and that Morrison had " acknowledged the system had let me down".

"It was an honest and frank discussion. It's important that we had it," she said.

Higgins said the pair also talked about reforming the legislation that staffers are hired under, known as the Members of Parliament (Staff) or MoPS Act.

The act gives MPs the right to sack staffers on the spot if they lose trust or confidence in them, a rule Higgins said created a power imbalance and did not protect employees who come forward with complaints.

"We had a discussion about what needs to happen in terms of the MoPS Act, where there needs to be better safeguards," the former staffer said.

"We had a robust discussion about the need for an independent authority [for] human resources.

"It was robust, but ultimately, in the end, I think there was a consensus that reform needs to happen.

"I think that's where we need to be, that's a starting point and that is encouraging."

PM: 'I acknowledged her courage'

In a statement, Morrison said he was pleased to be able to meet with Higgins "and listen to her views on how we can make parliamentary workplaces safe and more respectful".

"I look forward to her participating in the ongoing discussions on this matter through the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces," Morrison said.

"Ms Higgins' views and experience will be invaluable to the work of (Sex Discrimination) Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

"I acknowledged her courage in coming forward and assisting in this work."

A number of reviews were called in the wake of Higgins' allegations, including one by Commissioner Jenkins into the culture towards women in Parliament House, and how it could be improved.

Higgins has made it clear that she thinks an independent body should be set up to handle staffers' complaints.

At the moment the Department of Finance is responsible for investigating any claims brought by parliamentary staffers, but even if a complaint is found to be true, it has no authority to sanction a parliamentarian or their staff.

"I am committed to achieving an independent process to deal with these difficult issues," Morrison said.

'Progress moves slowly'

Higgins said she was hopeful the meeting would lead to changes to the law and that Morrison would "do the right thing by the women" at Parliament House.

"Progress moves slowly. I am hopeful that it's going to happen. I guess time will tell."

When asked what she thought Morrison had taken away from their meeting, she replied that she thought he better understood how she was made to feel in the days after she told her then-boss Linda Reynolds that she had allegedly been assaulted.

"I think he fundamentally seemed to understand what had happened to me."

Higgins has made a formal complaint to police about the alleged incident. An investigation is underway.