
Solomons peace coordinator says Guadalcanal is still not at peace

10:17 am on 1 September 2004

A Guadalcanal peace coordinator, Kamilo Teke, says it will take another twenty years before there will be peace in Guadalcanal.

Mr Teke says he is calling on the national government to improve its co-ordination of the peace process.

Mr Teke says he's writing a ministerial report to refute claims that peace had returned to the weathercoast of Guadalcanal.

He says in June 1999, the Solomon Island government declared a state of public emergency after people were killed and houses burnt there during the ethnic unrest.

Mr Teke says this has not yet been revoked.

"RAMSI brought in the environment, law and order is there. People misinterpret the situation saying that peace has now been achieved. In actual fact that is not so because there are lots of things to sort out before peace can be achieved."

Kamilo Teke says people still hold grudges against oppressors and unless people are rehabilitated at heart, no true peace can be achieved.

He says once the people reconcile with the government, then the reconciliation process can continue with other provinces.