Disgruntled workers in Bougainville reportedly forced the closure of Buka airport on Monday when they stopped President John Momis from flying to Port Moresby.
Buka Airport Photo: facebook
The Post Courier reported Mr Momis was due to lead a delegation from the Autonomous Bougainville Government, or ABG, to a three-day referendum seminar in Port Moresby.
Airport officials would not allow any planes to land in Buka after the workers packed the terminal and drove a truck onto the runway.
They reportedly demanded answers from Mr Momis about outstanding payments.
The workers were assured by members of Mr Momis's delegation that a letter of guarantee would be drafted and signed for the release of $US4,613 to pay them, out of a grant of $US10,766 from the National Government.
The former combatant leader Ishmael Toroama, who turned up at the airport, says it's disappointing the workers didn't deal with their grievance in the proper manner or show respect to the ABG.
The seminar in Port Moresby at the National Research Institute, was scheduled to be opened by Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.