
Labour MP lays complaint over 'flippant' minister

09:04 am on 9 October 2012

Labour MP Annette King has laid an official complaint with the Speaker about what she says is Housing Minister Phil Heatley's refusal to answer her questions in Parliament.

Ms King says her attempts to clarify the scale of problems in state housing have been met with flippant or intentionally misleading replies.

She says the minister seems determined to ignore what she calls a growing crisis in state housing, and it is impossible to know whether Mr Heatley's inadequate answers are the result of incompetence or to cover up the fact he has no long-term plan.

However, Mr Heatley says Ms King keeps making allegations in Parliament that turn out to be untrue.

He says he doesn't want to spend more time answering what he calls inane questions, but does want to comply with Parliament's rules and get on with more constructive work.