The Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom plans to relaunch his Megaupload website in January 2017.
Kim Dotcom is relaunching the file sharing website that led to his house being raided and proceedings to extradite him to the US to face charges of copyright infringment. Photo: AFP
The original file sharing site was thought to have 50 million users a day at its peak, but was shut down more than four years ago amid allegations of copyright piracy.
Mr Dotcom is the subject of ongoing legal action from United States authorities over the site and he said the files stored on the site were being illegally withheld from users.
He announced his latest plans in a series of tweets, saying the site will relaunch on 20 January, the fifth anniversary of his Coatesville mansion being raided by police.
"I'll be the first tech billionaire who got indicted, lost everything and created another billion $ tech company while on bail," he tweeted.
He said he would make announcements about new site partners in the coming weeks, and hinted that there may be a partnership with the digital currency Bitcoin.
Mr Dotcom has waged a lengthy legal battle to fight accusations that he profited from others abusing Megaupload, and to recover the assets seized at the time.
The FBI is seeking to extradite him to the US to face charges of copyright infringement, racketeering and money-laundering along with three former colleagues.