Pacific / New Caledonia

Noumea beaches closed after shark mauls woman

09:36 am on 30 January 2023

Photo: Envoy: Shark Cull

A shark attack in New Caledonia has prompted the capital city Noumea to close all swimming beaches until further notice.

The shark mauled a 49-year-old woman near a buoy which was marking the swimming area about 100 metres off one of the city's most popular swimming beaches.

A paddle boarder, who heard her screams, came to her rescue, and took her to shore.

With injuries to her hands, thighs and back, she was taken to hospital in a serious condition.

Sharks in New Caledonia's shallow coastal waters are usually more numerous in the summer.

It has been suggested that their presence has also increased because of the run-off following recent heavy rain.